• 2330 Commerce Ct. SW, Dyersville, IA 52040

  • 563.875.2615

  • Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

The Start to Work Incenvtive

Incentive Description: The Start to Work Incentive is available to graduating high school students planning on entering the workforce or trade school post-high school graduation. Priority is given to students who plan on entering the workforce. Three incentives of $2,000 each will be awarded to one student from Beckman, Western Dubuque, and Maquoketa Valley. 

Qualifications: High school seniors for the 2023-2024 school year who are seeking to enter the workforce post-high school graduation. Graduating students do not have to be employed at Decker Concrete or APC.

Eligibility: Listed below are the eligibility requirements for this incentive: 

  • Graduating high school seniors for the 2023-2024 academic school year who are seeking to enter the workforce post high school graduation. (Graduating students do not have to be employed at Decker Concrete or APC).
  • Must be enrolled and on track to graduate in the 2023-2024 school year from Beckman High School, Western Dubuque High School, or Maquoketa Valley High School.
  • Applied, or currently applying for full-time, long-term employment post-graduation.
  • Eligible for all work industries including (but not limited to): construction, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, business, cosmetology, fashion, etc.
  • Proof and demonstration of good work ethic and intentionality

Essay Submission: The criteria for the essay due at the submission of a student’s application are listed below. An online PDF version can be found by clicking the “Apply Here” button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Name
  2. Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
  3. Cell Phone, Evening Phone
  4. Email
  5. High School and expectant date of graduation
  6. Post graduation, will you be entering the workforce for full-time permanent work or enrolling in college?
  7. If entering the workforce post-graduation, have you been offered employment? If so, name of company:
  8. If enrolling in college, name of college and degree program:
  9. Detailed paragraph on what you would do with the incentive money if awarded.
  10. Detailed paragraph on how you plan to make a positive contribution at your employer or college during your first year, post-high school.
  11. Detailed paragraph describing why you should be selected for this incentive.

Email Essay Application to: tdigman@apcprecast.com


Please direct all questions to Tiffany Digman, Human Resources, at 563-875-2557

Note that any amounts received by you as part of this incentive program may be subject to federal and state income taxes